Hey All--
So I meant to put up a post over the holiday season, but well, Thanksgiving is not a time to be hunched over a keyboard in front of a screen that glows like the smile of your first love in those moments after your lips first touch hers.
No, this is a time for family, a lot of good food (as you can see in the picture above), and if you believe in magic, pets that cook phenomenally well. My dog kills it on the grill. I actually took a picture:

But enough kidding aside, I just wanted to give you guys a Top 5 of certain things I'm thankful for:
- 1. Barry Manilow: Other than Dick Clark, no one represents Americana more than this man--which is why it was fitting that he sang the theme for Dick Clark's American Bandstand. The man's voice is dipped in gold with the epicness of whale song, and he continues to spread that magic on decade specific compilations. His newest one, Songs of the 80s, is out now. On it, he covers a great song about how he's never gonna give, never gonna give, give you up.
- 2. Speaking of which, did you watch Rick Astley do his thing during the Parade? I'm thankful this song continues its never ending rise to the top.
- 3. Cranberry Sauce: Here at SGWG, we know that sometimes, the most important parts of anything are often the unsung elements. In the Thanksgiving world, nothing un
sings more than cranberry sauce--a delicious gel that is so often overlooked that when we take it out of the can, we never bother to gussy it up (in my household, it often still has the ribbings from the can from whence it came). Well that changes today Cranberry Sauce... consider yourself sung today. You're sweet and amazing, and an amazing foil to the succuluence brought to the table by the turkey that was brought to the table. And don't worry... even though the turkey may be the V8 HEMI that gets everyone running to the table, I know that you're the oil that makes it possible to do what it does. You're the Cyranno of the table, and while some may not know where those dulcet tones come from, don't worry CS. I know. You're an SG.
- 4. Pictionary: True story. When my family or friends get together, more often then not, we play Pictionary. But we play what I'd like to call with Argentinian Sheep Shank No Holds Rules... I don't know why its Argentinian, and why a sheep shank is involved, but essentially only 2 teams are made, and it's all play all the time, with the artists on both sides drawing whatever the hardest thing on the card is. Nothing makes me happier than screaming "Jackal! It's a Jackal!" over and over or not knowing how to draw the word "compare" so you try drawing the scene in Con Air where the plane lands on the Hard Rock Cafe Hotel because Con Air kind of sounds like compare (I swear to you this is a true story).
- 5. Family and Friends: In all seriousness though, I'm very thankful for all my family and friends. We here at SGWG would also like to thank the readers and the folks that are thinking of coming out to the shows.
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