Friday, December 19, 2008
TOMORROW'S THE BIG DAY!! Plus... a Christmas Song Expose
Well, tomorrow's the big day, and I can't wait. We have a couple of great surprises for you, and Reggie See, Jon Fritz Lagua and a few of their sensitive fellows are going to open up the night.
By show time tomorrow, them Jersey roads should be clear, so dress warmly. I suggest wearing cocoa mitts. It's really just two giant muggs of hot chocolate that you dip your hands in. It sounds weird... but your hands stay really toasty... and scalded. Hope to see you tomorrow!

December 20, 2008
PJ's Coffee
5PM - 9PM
Show starts 5:30!
315 Raritan Ave
Highland Park, NJ
Since I haven't blogged in a while, I thought it might also be worth posting a little bit of an expose on a classic holiday song that's well... not so sensitive... let's go for it :).
Baby, It's Cold Outside
I simply can't stay (But baby it's cold outside)...
And so starts a light hearted jazz standard, that has enthralled the hearts of millions, including mine. But let's put this in perspective. Here is a lady trying to get home after a nice date, and the guy in the song is trying to get her to stay... in his residence... to drink and smoke.
This is typical game ladies, so watch out! If you're ever in the 1940s in the Winter and being romanced by a gent, he'll try several approaches to keep you at his Art Deco inspired flat. He'll appeal to your rational side by talking about how cold it is as well as your inquisitive side with references to pneumnoia. AND THEN he'll try to seal the deal with compliments on the magnificence that is your body. SG Archetype John Mayer (pre Heavier Things) was right... your body IS a wonderland, and with the weather, he's trying to make it a Winter one. Keep it snow angely though.
Now the naysayer may say nay by noting that the male is clearly just trying to keep her safe... but let's look at some key phrases, starting with the prechoruses:
My mother will start to worry - Beautiful, what's your hurry
My father will be pacing the floor - Listen to the fireplace roar
So really I'd better scurry - Beautiful, please don't hurry
My sister will be suspicious - Man, your lips look so delicious
My brother will be there at the door - Waves upon a tropical shore
My maiden aunt's mind is vicious - Gosh your lips look delicious
Here is the woman clearly stating that her family will be concerned... and here's the guy with only one thing on his mind. As a guy--more importantly, an SG-- I can openly say that he's thinking with the wrong head ladies...
I'm sure the mother's already dialed 9-1 , her father's pacing the floor with a shotgun, the brother's at the door with a sniper rifle, the sister's donned brass knuckles, and the maiden aunt is using telekenesis to send mind bullets.
Let's be real... her family probably looks like this:

But he doesn't care... apparently he's spiking her lime rickey:
The neighbors might think - Baby, it's bad out there
Say, what's in this drink - No cabs to be had out there
I wish I knew how - Your eyes are like starlight now
To break this spell - I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell
Other than I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, this has got to be amongst the most non-SG songs for the holidays. If this man were truly an SG the lyrics would have gone like this:
I really can't stay - Yes darling (never baby--she's a woman. Not a child) it's cold outside.
I've got to go away - Ok let me grab your coat and I'll warm up the Cadillac Fleetwood
This evening has been - So very nice
So very nice - Wow I love how it's like we can finish eachother's sentences...
And thus ends my rant. Just to clarify... I'm completely kidding, and I actually love this song. I think it's clever, flirty, and lyrically genius. I do stand by the thought that this guy is laying the game on so thick you could stock a toy store aisle with the woo he flings, but let's be real-- this is the 1940's... he was probably getting her to stay for a night of hand holding.
At least I'd like to hope.
Here's a great video of the song:
And that's it from me... til tomorrow!
Stay Sensitive,
Monday, December 15, 2008
Argyle Hunting with Wonder Marq
I remembered seeing an argyle hoodie at Express that I wanted to get for the show, but didn't have time to, so I went to see if it was still on sale....

What?!?! An ADDITIONAL 20% off?!?!
Seriously guys, my head almost exploded into pieces of argyle.
And then my friend Rex was like "Yo, the manager is giving out these cards for another 20% off!"
"What?!? So that's a total of an additional 40% off!?!?!"
And then it happened..

I couldn't believe it either, but it really happened. In argyle flower grew from my head in a matter of seconds. All it took was a magical drop of 100% pure sensitivity.
So I ended up buying 2 argyle sweaters and 3 pairs of argyle socks which would've cost me a little bit over $200, but with the discount came out to only $80!

What's a Sensitive Pirate's favorite type of clothing? Yup, you guessed it...

What's Bruce Lee's favorite drink?

Arlo the Sensitive Sock Puppet!

So check out the holiday sale at Express before it's over! Christmas is only 9 days away! Time is sensitive.
See ya Saturday!
Your Sensitive Guy,
Wonder Marq
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008
Just wanted to post the show details again.
Silk Road Cafe
30 Mott St.
Chinatown, NYC
Doors open at 7PM
Click here for a map of the where the venue is.
A little note about the venue. It is a small cozy spot in Chinatown, so if you'd like a seat please get there sooner than later. The show will start at 7:30, but the doors open at 7... and we're going to do our best to run on time.
We hope you guys all come through! Again, were donating to both GILAS and JDRF, so your support leads to the support of 2 great causes. Your watching us would make us so sensitively happy. :)
Get to Know Our Special Guests- Mike and Myke
So today is the big day! Are you as psyched as I am? The level of my excitement is somewhere between Belle getting the keys to the library and Aladdin meeting Jasmine for the first time.
Yes... I'm using Disney analogies so you know I mean business.
ANYWAY... I thought it only appropriate to give you guys a little info on our special guests who will be opening the show for us.

The man on your left is friend of the SG's Myke Christian. A local NYC cat, his smooth vocal stylings are only complimented by his style of dress. He's also equipped with that bilingual songwriting ability, so all you Filipinas... get ready. Go ahead and check out some of his tracks here.
Our blond haired friend on the right is also a Mike--in fact, when I was first introduced to him and Myke, he was little Mike--but there's nothing little about my boy's talent (come to think of it, he's taller than me too, so that moniker is pretty misleading). Always loving music, he took big strides to get his name out there this year, and often plays under his project name of Romance. Influenced by punk, funk, and heavier styles of rock, he'll be the edge us SG's need.
We've all gotten a chance to share the stage with both these cats, and we can't think of anyone better to help us open this gala event. We hope you join us tonight!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pac-Man Knocks Some Sensitivity Into Goldenboy

A belated SGWG congrats to Manny Pacquiao for knocking some sensitivity into Oscar De La Hoya that there was no hope for him after the 8th round.

Known as Pac-Man, he's a humble and simple man who enjoys chess, darts, karaoke, and first and foremost thanking the Man up above from his corner before and after every fight.

Carrying the weight of the Philippines on his back, Manny is known to give away food and lots of money to the poor Filipinos that line up at his house.
"I believe our mission in this world is not only to make money, but we have a big responsibility," said Pacquiao. "If you get the blessing from God, we are to give some to our people, and especially the poor people."
A warrior in the ring, so fearless he refuses to have a translator at his side during interviews. (I dunno about you, but I find it highly entertaining when he speaks English during an interview. Gotta love him. Reminds me of one of my tito's back home in the Philippines when trying to speak English. lol) But what he lacks in his English, he makes up for with his sensitive heart (and ARGYLE ATTACK!). :)
And we, the Sensitive Guys With Guitars will too be using our talents of music and good English to raise funds for the less fortunate at our upcoming shows Dec. 12 and Dec. 20 for:

So we hope you're metaphorically bleeding the same type of sensitivity Oscar De La Hoya was, and that you submit to the calling inside you to come out to our shows. We promise it will be full of fun, laughs, surprises, and of course sensitivity.
Your sensitive guy,
Wonder Marq
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Get to Know Your Charities- Team Kaila/JDRF

For those who don't know, Type 1 Diabetes, also known as Juvenile Diabetes, is a debilitating disease that affects millions of people. At this point in time, those with Type 1 can maintained with shots of insulin and blood sugar checks-- but this is not a cure.
The JDRF is amongst the forefront in finding the cure to Type 1 Diabetes, with an amazing network of advocates whos strength, as the site states:
"...lies in our numbers and the ability of our Advocates to work together to build bonds--bonds with one another, as well as with our Members of Congress. These relationships strengthen our community, provide support for those who are living with type 1 diabetes, and deliver our message--the need for a cure--faster and more effectively."
Team Kaila is the name of the JDRF Walk-a-thon team JoAnn Arcenal (friend of the SGWG) formed for her darling daughter Kaila, who currently lives with Type 1 Diabetes. According to their walk-a-thon page, their team raised
With one half of the show proceeds going to GILAS, the second half goes to the JDRF in Kaila's name.
We don't think we could have picked a better charity to give to. With Kaila near and dear to our hearts, and many of our own family members living with Diabetes, this is our sensitive stand to raise awareness. We are honored to help Team Kaila, JDRF, as well as GILAS.
If you'd like to learn more about the JDRF, you can always go to the website at You can also reach them via phone at 212-689-2860.
Before I go, I just wanted to share a pic of Kaila. Ain't she a cutie:

You're gonna break hearts when you grow up kid ;). Be easy on 'em.
Stay Sensitive,
EDIT: So... they actually raised over $4,000 for the JDRF!!! We're just going to add to that amount... that's incredible... wow....go Team Kaila! Let's hope the SG's can only add to that :D
Get to Know Your Charities- GILAS
Jay again. So if you didn't know already, this Friday, December 12th in Chinatown, NYC is our first SGWG event. The excitement wells up inside me like the howl of a desert coyote after watching Titanic and Sleepless in Seattle back to back.
With that in mind, I thought I might give you guys a look into the charities we're donating to for the December wave of SG shows. I thought I'd start with one near and dear to my family-- GILAS.

At present, there are 6,373 public schools in the Philippines, and a little over 2,000 have been wired with Internet connectivity thanks to the initiative.
At first glance, it may seem like a strange thing to fight for in the Philippines, when issues like hunger and poverty are rampant in the country. In all honesty, that was my initial reaction as well. But then my father, who is an avid proponent of the initiative really broke it down for me.
My father's support of GILAS stems from his view of a bright future for the Philippines where the upcoming and future Filipino high school graduates do not find themselves drowning in the new wave of ever evolving technology. After my talks with my papa, I agree.
Alongside understanding new technology is the fact that with increased world connectivity comes the increasing of an individual's world view. GILAS, as well as myself, are hoping that this sentiment carries on to the students of schools they wire. Ultimately, I think the increased access to the world will give these kids a chance to dream bigger than the circumstances of their environment may allow them to. And those dreams can lead to change.
SGWG is happy to donate half of the earnings of the next two shows to GILAS. For more information, please go to
Getting Nods from the Blogs
Both tireless watchdogs for Asian American rights, I gotta give them the love for showing us the same beautiful sentiment on their sites.
Here's to both of them, who's kindness and support flows like an unending stream, pure and filtered, through the Colorado Rockies, only accentuated by the crisp breeze of the mountain air and man I've been watching a lot of beer commercials.
Stay sensitive, and thanks to Angry Asian Man and Slant Eye!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Digital Flyers are Out!
Just wanted to let you know that we just finished making our digital flyers. I'll have a couple of smaller tags ready soon, but if you could be so kind as to help us promote :).
12/12/08 - Silk Road Cafe, Chinatown NYC

12/20/08- PJ's Coffee, Highland Park NJ

We wanted the classic vinyl LP look. Hopefully we pulled it off.
Hope to see you there! As mentioned before, all proceeds go to GILAS and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Till next time,
Stay Sensitive
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Danny just returned from a Sensitive Retreat
Dear Diary,
I’m sorry for being an (in)sensitive guy who’s been missing in action ever since this argyle explosion of love was launched. But there’s a good reason for my silence.
I was at a Sensitive Guy training retreat. You see – sometimes even the most Sensitive Guy (and let’s face it, I’m the most sensitive one in the bunch since I hug teddy bears and unicorns in public
Well I’m happy to say I’m a new man!
At the Sensitive Guy Retreat, I learned how to refold my bed sheets into nice squares, how to arrange dinnerware and how to use just the right amount of fabric softener so that my girlfriend’s laundry is snuggly soft. I learned to appreciate that my teardrops taste like gum drops. They’re delicious. And I learned how to rake leaves with just the gentlest touch so that the leaves don’t cry.
And what is this about a girlfriend? Yes, Mr. Formerly Lonely Heart Bear has a girlfriend. But who is she? Let’s just say we share the same love for Care Bears (and their cousins). She’s the Bright Heart Raccoon to my Cheer Bear. The Optimus to my Megatron. The Misfits to my Gem. Without her I am nothing, crying alone into my knitted designer sheets. And sometimes when I think of her, I shower in rose petals and breathe in deep, envisioning being wrapped with her love.
But this is only because the Sensitive Guy Retreat reminded me that it’s ok to cry at Disney movies, it’s ok to love and, most importantly, it’s ok to give with all your heart.
I hope you have been giving with yours, this holiday season.
Do it for the turkeys, the turducken and the tofurkey,
Your Reformed Sensitive Guy
Danny Katz
Monday, December 1, 2008
Are you all staying sensitive?
Some great news has come in! We now have an official venue for our NYC Show! That makes two shows for some great causes. Here's the info:
December 12, 2008
Silk Road Cafe
7:30PM - 10:30PM
30 Mott St.
Chinatown, NYC
December 20, 2008
PJ's Coffee
5PM - 9PM
315 Raritan Ave
Highland Park, NJ
Proceeds go to GILAS and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Also, other than the Thanksgiving entry below, we also have a new video for you... enjoy!
Thanksgiving- A Celebration of Sensitivity and Cranberry Sauce
Hey All--
So I meant to put up a post over the holiday season, but well, Thanksgiving is not a time to be hunched over a keyboard in front of a screen that glows like the smile of your first love in those moments after your lips first touch hers.
No, this is a time for family, a lot of good food (as you can see in the picture above), and if you believe in magic, pets that cook phenomenally well. My dog kills it on the grill. I actually took a picture:

But enough kidding aside, I just wanted to give you guys a Top 5 of certain things I'm thankful for:
- 1. Barry Manilow: Other than Dick Clark, no one represents Americana more than this man--which is why it was fitting that he sang the theme for Dick Clark's American Bandstand. The man's voice is dipped in gold with the epicness of whale song, and he continues to spread that magic on decade specific compilations. His newest one, Songs of the 80s, is out now. On it, he covers a great song about how he's never gonna give, never gonna give, give you up.
- 2. Speaking of which, did you watch Rick Astley do his thing during the Parade? I'm thankful this song continues its never ending rise to the top.
- 3. Cranberry Sauce: Here at SGWG, we know that sometimes, the most important parts of anything are often the unsung elements. In the Thanksgiving world, nothing un
sings more than cranberry sauce--a delicious gel that is so often overlooked that when we take it out of the can, we never bother to gussy it up (in my household, it often still has the ribbings from the can from whence it came). Well that changes today Cranberry Sauce... consider yourself sung today. You're sweet and amazing, and an amazing foil to the succuluence brought to the table by the turkey that was brought to the table. And don't worry... even though the turkey may be the V8 HEMI that gets everyone running to the table, I know that you're the oil that makes it possible to do what it does. You're the Cyranno of the table, and while some may not know where those dulcet tones come from, don't worry CS. I know. You're an SG.
- 4. Pictionary: True story. When my family or friends get together, more often then not, we play Pictionary. But we play what I'd like to call with Argentinian Sheep Shank No Holds Rules... I don't know why its Argentinian, and why a sheep shank is involved, but essentially only 2 teams are made, and it's all play all the time, with the artists on both sides drawing whatever the hardest thing on the card is. Nothing makes me happier than screaming "Jackal! It's a Jackal!" over and over or not knowing how to draw the word "compare" so you try drawing the scene in Con Air where the plane lands on the Hard Rock Cafe Hotel because Con Air kind of sounds like compare (I swear to you this is a true story).
- 5. Family and Friends: In all seriousness though, I'm very thankful for all my family and friends. We here at SGWG would also like to thank the readers and the folks that are thinking of coming out to the shows.